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Doula Wisdom Blog

What do you actually need for a baby?

If you’re expecting a baby and you’re someone who likes to feel organised… you’re going to love this list of things to get ready before your baby arrives. I’ve tried to keep this list as simple as possible so you don’t enter the land of overwhelm.

Put simply, babies just need to be fed, kept warm and dry and to be cuddled, a lot. But there are some things...


5 things to do before your baby is due

1. Write Down Your Birth Preferences

I’m sure there are some things you’d like to happen during your birth. By writing down your preferences, it can let your birth support people know what you’d like and help you switch off your thinking brain when you’re in labor. During your pregnancy, spend time exploring all your choices.

When exploring your options for birth, you...


Natural suggestions for low iron in pregnancy

Did you know that iron is the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide? Many women have low stores and then become anaemic during pregnancy. Some women start their pregnancy with good iron stores but then become deficient due to the demands of growing new life. Iron deficiency is also very common in breastfeeding women.

Low iron can leave a person feeling lethargic, weak and irritable. Other...


Why the first forty days are crucial for your future health


Most people are aware that preparing for birth is an important step in helping to create a positive experience. We are also seeing a revived interest in postpartum care.

Those precious weeks after birth are intense, but with the right support, a newborn mother and her baby can navigate the twists and turns a little easier. They can emerge feeling rejuvenated and peaceful instead of overwhelmed...


Oxytocin: The hormone that will help you love your birth

You may have heard of oxytocin by its more common name ‘the love hormone’. If you’re about to have a baby, it’s essential to have an understanding of this incredible hormone. It is responsible for the loving feeling we get when cuddled. It is involved with love-making, childbirth, breastfeeding and bonding. In childbirth, oxytocin helps the uterus to contract...

Birth is awesome

This drawing was created by a 5 year old girl after witnessing the homebirth of her younger sister. How incredible. I was there too that day. Georgia has always been fascinated with life and how things work. It was so special to see the awe in her eyes as she witnessed the power of birth first hand. She was so proud of her mother!

Georgia knows that childbirth is hard work and requires strength...


What to expect for the three stages of labor

Do you know the three stages of labor and why it’s important to keep the birth space as private and loving as possible? 

Stage One – Dilation of the cervix from 1-10cm

In early labor, most women find that they are more comfortable at home. This is because things are familiar and we tend to feel more relaxed. In early labor contractions may be spaced about 10-15...


Becoming a mother ā€“ Why the Dutch do it better

You may know that the Dutch have a reputation for being among the happiest people alive. According to the 2018 UN World Happiness Report, The Netherland is ranked as the 6th happiest country in the world.

After a recent visit to the Netherlands, I have some more understanding of their culture and what contributes to their positivity. Everyone I met was so incredibly friendly.

In particular, I...


Why a postpartum doula should be on your birth plan

I am excited to be a part of the postpartum revolution. I am an advocate for postnatal education and I encourage you to take time to plan your postpartum as much as possible. Learn what you will need help with and what remedies can ease your transition to motherhood because your needs are just as important as your baby’s.

Postpartum can be an incredible time for healing and rejuvenation....


Your beliefs about birth

Believe it or not, you already know a lot about birth. Since you were a child, you would have come into contact with birth stories and perhaps been influenced by the media. You most likely have been exposed to birth scenes in movies, documentaries or the internet. Maybe you have read books or magazines or heard stories from other people. In a way, it’s hard to escape the bombardment of...

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Make sure you download the latest birth plan checklist! It has a packing list for birth, watercolour pictures of useful labour positions, tips for what to do at each stage of labour and advice for partners